Conference Dimensions .

A Digitally Intelligent Future
The global educational space has become a battleground for vested interest groups. Governments, non-governmental agencies, and the private sector, including the world’s largest technology corporations are all vying for influence and the right to decide which skills and competencies should or should not be embedded in a curriculum model.

An Expressive Future
Our world would be unimaginable if not for the philosophers, artists and musicians who have upturned the debate on what constitutes society, culture, expressive arts and valued social behavior. This realignment has shaped our moral compasses from that of considerations based purely on religion and ethnicity and the expected norms of a society to a movement within popular culture that has re-shaped our minds and our behavior (ACLU, 2020).

An Inclusive Future
Differences based on race, colour, religion, creed, socio-economic class, national origin, ancestry, age, disability, gender and related issues have been politicised in the ideological narratives of many societies. A genuine commitment to a just and inclusive world should identify and call out examples of oppression, racism and bigotry.

An Unknown Future
Scientific and technological advances in recent decades have greatly improved our capacity to predict and protect ourselves from many natural and man-made disasters. Yet, we remain extremely vulnerable both to natural elements and to the unpredictability of scientific advancements created through humanity’s hubris.
Schedule .
Our Speakers .

Dr Faisal Mahmood
Consultant, Section Head for Infectious Diseases, Aga Khan University Hospital

Faisal Mushtaq TI
Founder & Chairman, Roots Millennium Education

Afia Salam
Journalist, Media Trainer, Advertiser

Waqar Ahmad
Head of Corporate Affairs & Sustainability at Nestlé Pakistan & Afghanistan

Ushna Suhail
Pakistani Tennis Player

Adnan Malik
Actor, Model, Documentary filmmaker, Producer

Neelam Hussain
Educationist, Activist

Sarah Muneeb
Head, Assessment & Qualification Operations, Beaconhouse

Mehmal Sarfraz
Journalist & Co-founder, The Current

Dr Taimur Rahman
Associate Professor, Political Science, LUMS

Dr Mariam Chughtai
Director, National Curriculum Council, Federal Ministry of Education

Fauzia Viqar
Chairperson, The Punjab Commission on Status of Women

Arshad Saeed Husain
Managing Director, Oxford University Press

Fasi Zaka
Political Commentator and Columnist

Iain Riley
School Head, TNS Beaconhouse DHA

Professor Maggie Atkinson
Educator and former Children's Commissioner for England

Dr Omar Chughtai
Director Operations, Chugtai Healthcare

Ibrahim bin Adnan
Student, Beaconhouse Newlands

Dr Bushra Jamil
Professor of Infectious Diseases and Internal Medicine at Aga Khan University Hospital (AKUH)

Sabina Khatri
Founder & Chairperson, Kiran Foundation

Sanya Nauman
President and Founder Khuwab-e-Kishwar Foundation - KEKF Karachi Pakistan

Hamza Farrukh
Founder & President, Bondh E Shams and Vice President, Goldman Sachs

Rida Kamal
Student, BCP

Najeeb Paracha
Student & Deputy Head Boy, BCP

Fahd Hussain
Journalist, TV Anchor

Dr Farheen Ali
Head of Department of Infectious Diseases - NICVD

Arshad Nadeem
Athlete, Olympian

Zainab Abbas
Television host and sports presenter

Akbar Chaudhry
Standup Comedian & Artistic Director at LOLWaalay

Ian Darlington
Former Assistant Director PE & Sports, Beaconhouse

Safaa Rauf
Influencer, CEO of MadMedia and Mad Talent

Yahyaa Khan
Student, TNS DHA

Annum Sadiq
Co Founder of Edkasa Pvt Limited

James M. Dorsey
Award-winning journalist and scholar

Nathan Strenge
Senior Learning Designer at Fielding International

Alizeh Valjee
Co-founder Saaya Health

Dr Sarah Taylor
Creator of CalmBrain, Clinical Psychologist

Bronwyn Jacobs
Educationist and Media Journalist, China

Salman Butt
Director Development- I.A.A.F AND AAA for the Asian Area

Ahmad Shabbar
Environmental Activist & Founding CEO, GarbageCAN, The Environmental & Climate REACH

Rai M. Azlan
Blogger & Sports Communication Professional

Muhammad Yasir Siddique
Senior Human Resource Professional

Nida Usman Chaudhry
Founder of LEARN and Women in Law Initiative Pakistan

Mahnaz Rahman
Director Aurat Foundation

Drew Perkins
Director of Professional Development TeachThought

Omar Tauseef
Psychotherapist, Clinical Supervisor and Trainer

Kamil Saroop Khan
Digital Media Expert, COO Mitchell's Fruit Farms

Marnix van Holland
Senior Program Development Manager

Kanwal Malik
DGM, Education Operations, Beaconhouse

Hasina Kharbhih
Founder, Impulse NGO Network/Impulse Social Enterprises

Syed Sultan Ahmed
MD & Chief Learner LXL Ideas - Educator | Entrepreneur | Film Maker | Publisher

Rab Nawaz
Senior Director Programmes, WWF Pakistan

Edward Davis
Head of Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Find (FCDO)

Sidra Iqbal
Journalist & TV Host

Riaz Kamlani
EVP, The Citizens Foundation

Dr Farid Panjwani
Dean, Aga Khan University - Institute for Educational Development (AKU-IED)

Dr Saulat Fatimi
Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon & Professor of Surgery, Aga Khan University Hospital

Dr Feriha Peracha
Clinical Psychologist, CEO SWAaT for Pakistan