
Ahmad Shabbar

Environmental Activist & Founding CEO, GarbageCAN, The Environmental & Climate REACH

Ahmad Shabbar is an environmentalist who tries to tackle climate change and environmental issues via a multi-pronged approach. A scientist and an engineer by profession, Mr Shabbar, completed his BA in Physics from Reed College and a second BSc in Mechanical and Energy Engineering from the University of North Texas. He has worked at the Reed Research Reactor (a research nuclear reactor); and won the top prize at NASA’s Texas Space Grant Consortium. As an environmental activist, he applies his solution-oriented approach in various ways: tackling the waste management crisis through his company ‘GarbageCAN’, addressing the lack of environmental awareness with his online platform ‘The Environmental’, and enhancing understanding of climate change impacts via grass-roots outreach efforts through Pakistan Maholiati Tahaffuz Movement (PMTM) and Climate Reach.

Mr Shabbar has been an integral part of organising every Climate March in Karachi since they first began in 2019, helped protect the Buddu, Bandal islands as lead petitioner, and continues to push decision-makers to make the right environmental choices for our future.

Mr Shabbar aims to set examples of business ethics and standards; the role of media; and politicking on policy within the climate action sphere.

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