
Shaiyanne Malik

Social Entrepreneur, Trainer & Fashion Designer

Shaiyanne Malik is the Founder and President of the Save Our Children Foundation, an organisation focused on the education and rehabilitation of street children through partnerships with local authorities, outreach efforts, and collaborations with other NGOs. Her commitment to social causes extends to skill development, particularly in rural Pakistan, where she has established skill centres that connect artisans with urban designers. These initiatives not only foster economic sustainability for artisans but also showcase their crafts on both local and international platforms, adding significant value to the country's cultural economy.

Ms Malik is also a pioneering figure In the fashion industry of Pakistan and organised Pakistan's first-ever Fashion Week, now a landmark event that draws global buyers and highlights Pakistani fashion on international stages. She developed the Fashion Design Curriculum in collaboration with the International Labour Organization (ILO) for the National Vocational and Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC) and is currently working as a Qualification Development Expert for Entrepreneurship. She is the only ILO Master Trainer for Gender and Entrepreneurship Together (GET Ahead ) in Pakistan.

She has served as President of the Women’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Karachi) for three terms and as Convener of the FPCCI Standing Committees for Women Entrepreneurs and Women’s Education and Training, underscoring her dedication to empowering women in business and education across Pakistan.

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