
M A Shigeyuki Ataka

Mr Muhammad Azmat Shigeyuki Ataka is a Japanese national living in Karachi since 1977. He received the Pride of Performance award in 2012 for his contributions in promoting friendship and deepening understanding between the people of Pakistan and Japan. Mr Ataka served the Consulate General of Japan in Karachi as an Adviser to the Consul General of Japan from 1979 to 2005. Presently, he is working for Friends of Burns Centre as an Adviser-Resource Development and is the 1st Vice President, Pakistan-Japan Cultural Association, Sindh. Some of the events he initiated are establishment of Pakistan-Japan Cultural Association Sindh (PJCA) in 2002, Urdu Haiku Mushaira, International Symposium on Photojournalism in 2008 and exhibition of Japanese Calendars, Waka Raag, Secondary School Teachers’ Workshop on Japan.

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