
Dr Andrew Hargreaves

Research Professor, Boston College & Visiting Professor, University of Ottawa

Dr Andrew Hargreaves is Visiting Professor at the University of Ottawa and Research Professor at Boston College. He is a member of the US National Academy of Education, Adviser to the First Minister of Scotland, and the Adviser to the Minister of Education for New Brunswick, Canada. He has published 35 books and won 8 Outstanding Writing Awards. He has been honoured in Canada, the US, and the UK for services to public education and educational research. His most recent books are Leadership from the Middle and The Age of Identity (with Dennis Shirley).

As a keynote speaker and workshop leader, he has delivered addresses in more than 50 countries, 47 US states, and all Australian and Canadian states and provinces. He has been honoured in Canada, the US, and the UK for services to public education and educational research and is ranked by Education Week (US) as the15th scholar 15th most influential scholar in the US education policy debate.

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