The breathtaking adoption of online schooling leaves many parents, students and governments anxious about what these changes will mean now and in the future. Thisimension will address a number of key questions about an education space increasingly codependent on technology and ‘hybrid learning models’ such as:

1. How do public and private schools and school systems conceive of being good providers of education and evaluate the learning and socialization of digital resources available now and in the future?

2. How will society adapt itself to a digitalized educational future in which little can be kept ‘private’?

3. Will rapid advancements in online learning platforms pose a real risk to the validity, reliability and integrity of education, particularly in the area of assessments in the future? Do online learning and television produce measurable outcomes for student learning?

4. To what extent should national and international examination boards rethink their over 100-year-old Fischel examination culture? How can we embrace new ways of assessment that are acceptable to all stakeholders?

5. Is the ‘COVID-effect’ temporary, or has it permanently altered the future of education? If so, how do we use this once-in-a-lifetime catalyst to our advantage?