A Digital Learning

A Digital Learning                                                     


From the days of silent films and radio to today’s emerging robotics, smartphones, and multiplayer online games, technology has always entered into the discourse of societies, raising new hopes and fears and necessitating shifts in societal practice. Yet as smart homes, driverless cars, artificial intelligence and the ‘Internet of things’ become our reality, none can deny the ubiquitous impact of this digital revolution. The pace of recent advances in technology leaves many of us anxious about what these changes will mean now and in the future. Sessions in ‘A Digital Future’ will address a number of key questions about an increasingly unknown future, such as:

  • How do we conceive of being good citizens and evaluate the learning and socialisation of digital resources available now and in the future?
  • How will society adapt itself to a digital future in which little can be kept ‘private’?
  • Will rapid advancements in artificial intelligence and robotics pose a real risk to humanity in the future?
  • Will humanity be able to reconcile religion and morality with rapid advancements in genetic engineering and cloning?